Radio Interview

You may be interested in a radio i/v in Dunedin I did with Sam Mann.  This is available at

C from Napier
Over 6 weeks have passed since your talk at the EIT in Napier. It was well worth braving the wind and rain for your easy to understand presentation. I appreciated the background you gave to the different ways investors have put pressure on the companies they invest in. This sort of engagement had never occurred to me to be as powerful as lobbying government. Giving the track record of investor groups in USA and Europe who have successfully done this was inspiring. I keep your book by my daybed and will pick it up to read when the time comes. Until then its catchy cover reminds me of an evening shedding some light on the previously dark unknown of investment. For my 22 yr old son your talk was a timely introduction to the fact that as someone linked into KIWISAVER he too is an investor and can ask questions and be part of making choices as to where ‘his’ money goes. The evening was an interesting exploration of the interconnectivity of monetary activities on this planet and an introduction to points of leverage.