Small square Fabian logo    The NZ Fabian Society is an independent membership based policy forum providing open, pluralist space for education and debate on progressive policies. We aim to apply progressive values to contemporary issues.  

The Fabian Society is an independent membership-based policy forum. It aims to provide an open, pluralist and progressive forum for education and debate on policy.

Applying progressive values to contemporary issues.

First established in the UK by Sidney and Beatrice Webb, the UK Society has had a major influence on British policy formation in its 100+ years of work. See

New Zealand Fabians do not take formal stances on issues but we do advocate for progressive policies and we recognize that progressive politics are multi-party.

An Independent Membership-Based Policy Forum

We aim to provide an open, pluralist space for education and debate on policy, through quality forums, publications and research. Our publications, research and lectures are the responsibility of their authors. There is no collective position for members to be held to, or collective responsibility to uphold. We encourage diverse, respectful and sharp debates that can drive better policies

Action as well as ideas

We seek to build a community of interested and engaged citizens thinking about policy and acting on their progressive ideals to make a difference to New Zealand society.


Membership is open to any interested person who endorses the Society's values and approach.